We are Addison and Kennedy and we LOVE to crochet! We've made a lot of rugs during our lifetime and we're happy that we can share them with others!
We are able to donate a portion of each of our sales to charity.
With the money we made at the Sammamish Farmers Market (2018 and 2019) and the Eastlake Bazaar (2018 and 2019), we have invested (and re-invested) $1,500 in 22 loans at kiva.org. Those loans have helped:
-a woman start a grocery store (Zimbabwe)
-a woman buy chairs and tables for her restaurant (Colombia)
-two women buy seeds for crops for their farms (Kenya, Uganda)
-two women build a sanitary toilets for their families (both in Philippines)
-a woman pay for her children’s school tuition fees (Lebanon)
-a man start a cereal business (Kenya)
-a group of women farmers increase their food production in order to improve food access at a time when it is badly needed (Sierra Leone)
-a woman resume her animal husbandry business (Tajikistan)
-a woman purchase farming inputs to boost the quality of her produce to earn more money (Kenya)
-a woman invest in retail stock for her store (Uganda)
-a woman purchase supplies and cattle to improve her cattle-fattening business (Egypt)
-a woman improve her partially built house so that she and her family can live in it (Uganda)
-a woman purchase an advanced say for her carpentry business (Palestine)
-a woman purchase farm good quality fertilizer and seeds to increase production on her farm (Kenya)
-a man purchase a computer and heat station for his mechanic business (Colombia)
-a woman purchase calves for her animal husbandry business (Kyrgyzstan)
-a woman purchase dairy cows in order to increase her milk business (Kyrgyzstan)
-a man purchase rams for his livestock business (Burkina Faso)
-a man purchase potatoes for his farming business (Peru)
-a farming co-op severely impacted by a nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19 (Peru)
We have also donated five rugs to RefugeeWelcomeMats.com.